Mental health and CBD
Is the trend towards lionization of the physical health business overshadowing mental health?
I’m sure reading this blog post will motivate you to take charge of your mental health with a little more involvement.
Institutional Framework for Mental Health
In 1949, the National Mental Health Association of the United States of America established Mental Health Month, which is celebrated every year in May – this same date has been established in Spain. Its objectives focused on developing awareness of the importance of mental health and celebrating recovery from mental illness through the media, events, outreach, and distribution of a set of materials that could guide and touch the lives of millions of Americans.
In Spain, the ConfederaciĆ³n Salud Mental was created in 1983 to improve the adoption of measures that contribute to improving the quality of life of people with mental disorders and their families. It seeks to defend their rights and represent them.
According to the WHO, one out of every four people in the world suffers from different mental, behavioural and neurological disorders, drug abuse, epilepsy, dementia, mental retardation, schizophrenia and stress-related disorders.
To address this issue at the global level, WHO launched the United Nations Mental Health Initiative in 1995 within the United Nations system to address mental health in underserved populations.
The therapeutic role of Cannabidiol in mental health
According to a 2020 study on the therapeutic application of the Convention on Biological Diversity for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, CBD is recommended for the treatment of schizophrenia, social anxiety disorder and autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Also, in a limited number of available studies, CBD is recommended for insomnia, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and Tourette’s syndrome.
There is a growing interest in research that has specialized in the study of specific receptors and the therapeutic effects of medical hemp in the treatment of different disorders.
The outcome of the study highlights the development of policy and the drive for pharmaceutical research in this field to create better and wider opportunities for large-scale research.
In a study conducted in 2019, some participants in a public speaking assignment took CBD before the event. The results showed that they had reduced stress levels. Similarly, in another study 47 adults diagnosed with anxiety also showed a rapid decrease in symptoms.
The widespread use of CBD makes it very versatile in treatment at a lower cost than traditional medications.
lations of statistics and research
Extensive research has turned off previous stereotypical and incomplete judgments about CBD and has begun to prove its therapeutic benefits. This has led many countries to adopt drugs based on CBD to treat a wide range of medical conditions.
In summary
It is important to understand about the SEC and how CBD works in our bodies.
Just being grateful and appreciating life and the people around you can have incredible mental health benefits.
I have shared my personal revelation moment with CBD, share yours too!
Increase your awareness of various mental health issues, and begin to seek help, discuss and develop a conversation with friends and family.
Some free treatments that promote good mental health
Go back to the days of childhood, turn on the innocent child in you, read Aesop’s fables, for example. The fable of the fuller and the coalman, the donkey and the grasshopper, the donkey and the horse, and so on. All these fables had a moral at the end that reinforced the qualities of goodness, patience, good actions, conscious living, and many more life messages. We were probably too young to understand the depth of these fables, so it would be a great idea to read them now!
Laugh out loud, no matter how stupid it is, refrain from hiding spontaneous emotions. Don’t be afraid to be judged. Live for you and by you.
We are now used to sending many text messages instead of talking, re-developing courage, and practicing speaking openly. A psychology report says that 90% of people text with things they can’t say in person.
Look at the people around you, whether they’re a friend or family member. If you notice any changes in their behavior or mood, talk to them, make an extra effort to understand them.
Singing and listening to music reduces anxiety and changes the way you perceive the world around you.
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