Online marketing strategies
Online marketing strategies based on SEO
As I told you above, I’m going to present you ten ideas that you can realize in your project strategy, I hope you like them!
1 Study the competition
When you run out of ideas, a very obvious point is to look at what the competition is doing for three different reasons:
You can be “inspired” by what they are doing.
You can see what they are doing wrong so as not to repeat mistakes.
And you can be “inspired”, remove the part that does not serve you, complete it and get better results.
You may have guessed that of the three options I’ll give you, this last one is the really juicy one.
On the other hand, as you well know, with SEMRush you can do very complete competition analysis directly on the fly, being a very good tool for this point.
2 Look at Google’s SERP
The Google search results page can give you a lot more information than you think it will give you, as it will teach you your competition in real time and, more importantly, what kind of content it is positioning!
If you want to fight to be there you have it very simple: Improve what is already there and take a good look at what Google is rewarding because many SERPs are quite repetitive not so much in content but in their form.
3 Write less
Yes, it seems like a contradiction, but if you write less and promote more, you’re going to get much better results, I’ll tell you.
In my own blog, I have gone from publishing 5 times a week to just 1 in just under a year.
The result has been an increase in traffic, including traffic from search engines, in terms of promotion you have a world and some of them are listed here.
4 Use the long tail
Long tail searches are super important because they will make you more money, being more profitable keywords with less competition.
If you want to go deeper into the subject, a few days ago I wrote on my blog about the long tail and I got a post of about 1,000 words, a bit long for a list of 50 actions, right?
5 Open your community
One of the tricks to improve thanks to a natural link building is to create a community that embraces your project.
Maybe you think it’s crazy or too expensive, for nothing!
It’s as simple as creating your own forum system or social network via a plugin if you have a WordPress distribution.
6 Do Guest blogging
The Guest Blogging has been in fashion for years and it doesn’t pass its time.
It’s very simple, it’s based on writing content on other blogs and getting visibility and, hopefully, a few links. And yes, that’s precisely what I’m doing right now on the SEMRush blog.
7 Even make Guest Infographic
If you are handy with the design programs you can give it a twist and turn and publish infographics on other sites thanks, once again, to the promotion you make of them.
Keep in mind that computer graphics are something very eye-catching, which requires time and knowledge and therefore is a very good gateway to blogs and authority sites.
8 Set a 12-month goal
In terms of positioning, goals can never have a time of fewer than 6 months and in most cases, we go to 12 months if we want to fight for something of medium importance.
That said, are you clear on where you want to be 12 months from now and how much traffic would your strategy be happy with? If not, I encourage you to make time for it.
9 Make less link building
The quantity link building since the arrival of Google Penguin a long time ago no longer works, so we must cross the painful border that leads us to quality.
What does this mean? Basically, you should focus on finding quality links, and they will be much less than what you are used to, but they will serve you much more to improve the SEO of your project.
10 Use images to differentiate yourself
Once a user arrives at your website or sees an article of yours anywhere, it will be irremediably fixed on the headline and on the first image.
If he gets your attention, he’ll get a flat tire.
So much so that it is estimated that the CTR can vary up to 50% depending on the headline and the image, that is to say, that you can take twice as much traffic with the same effort, something to think about very much.